Saturday, July 10, 2010

Last week the Wellington City Council announced it prosed putting all its events venues under one umbrella. A good move I'd say - it will lead to efficiencies. The problem is the umbrella. It isn't the right shape. The council intends establishing a council controlled organisation with a board that will run it to maximize profits - like a private sector business in other words.

But the reason these venues are in council hands is precisely because their purpose is not the same as a private business. They are there first and foremost to build a sense of community, to cater to a diversity of tastes and needs, to foster creativity and set Wellington a buzz with excitement, an expanded vision of the world and new ideas. It requires taking risks and sensibilities that go beyond business acumen.

Its quite legitimate to include shows and sporting fixtures with popular appeal and commercial potential in the mix but when profit becomes the dominant motive for selection how dull the fare served up. Look no further than what has happened to TV One.

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